The need for a cadastral level soil resource database is a long felt need for effective implementation of all technologies and agricultural developmental programme at farm level. The micro level database at farm level only can help in identifying farm specific problems and potentials and to provide technologies and amelioration measures for increasing the agricultural production. Further the micro level database on soil and land resource will serve as an important decision making tool for agricultural planning and implementation of soil and crop related management technologies. 

Keeping in view of the importance of the developing cadastral level information on the soil resources of the state at panchayat level, the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation has developed Microlevel Information System on Soils of Kerala(MISSK).This is the output of Detailed Soil Survey conducted at panchayat level using cadastral maps of scale 1:5000/4000 as base map. The field Survey was carried out by trained and experienced technical Officers of Soil Survey under the supervision of the Senior Level Officers of Soil Survey in the Department .

The Microlevel Information System on Soils of Kerala(MISSK) is a web based project developed in GIS Platform by the Department of Soil Survey & Soil Conservation under the technical guidance of the ESRI India . 


Generation of soil information system consisting of the soil type, depth, slope ,erosion status, land capability class, land irrigability class, soil fertility status, soil conservation priority, etc at panchayat level along with the cadastral details.

1.       Generation of soil and other thematic maps in GIS platform enabling easy retrieval and updation.

2.       Developing Web Based Micro Level information system on Soils of Kerala so as to enable the users to access all information on soils on survey number basis through internet .

3.       To help the farmers to manage their land by understanding its potentials and limitations.

4.       Enabling the planners, administrators and researchers to formulate micro level plans by proper understanding of the status of the resource base of a region.


Digital database enable users to access, process and visualize various types of soil-related data easily. This will serve as a bridge between global and local soil mapping enabling comparison of soils not only at local and national level but also at global level .

  • Study variation in the soil properties over a period of time (Temporal variation)
  • Integration of soil characters with other geographical and resource features for research and developmental purposes
  • Extract the soil details of the area of interest or study area alone from a large area.
  • Spatial analysis of soil parameters and evolving soil management and land use plan of an area.
  • Watershed based planning made easy through utilization of digital database.


  • Topoanalysis and Pre field Interpretation
  • Field survey and mapping
  • Field review and correlation
  • Laboratory investigations
  • Soil fertility investigations
  • Digital data processing in GIS and generation of maps
  • Preparation of soil map and report
  • Developing Web Based MISSK


  • Information on all aspects of soils on per plot/survey number basis to the stakeholders
  • The Geospatial Soil and Land information Layers provided include
  • Soil Series
  • Soil texture
  • Soil Depth
  • Erosion status
  • Slope
  • Present land use
  • Paddy land conversion status
  • Soil fertility aspects consisting of
  • Soil pH,
  • Status of major nutrients nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium
  • secondary nutrients- calcium, magnesium, sulphur
  • micronutrients- iron copper,zinc, manganese, boron
  • Land capability class
  • Land irrigability class
  • Soil conservation priority
  • Crop suitability

Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the content on this Portal, the same should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes. In no event will the Department of Soil Survey and Soil Conservation be liable for any expense, loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss or damage whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use, of data, arising out of or in connection with the use of this Portal. Strict quality control measures were applied in developing the soil resource databases but the Department does not warrant that the data is error free. Mapped materials do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of department concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. You are welcome to use the shared databases but you should be aware that the assessment of the accuracy and applicability of each dataset is strictly a USER RESPONSIBILITY; The Department takes no responsibility for problems that may arise from use of the databases. Reproduction or use of materials for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the Department.

Applications for such permission should be addressed to: 

Director Department of Soil Survey & Soil Conservation
Centre Plaza Buildings, Vazhuthacaud,
Thiruvananthapuram Kerala - 695014